Turkish Style Coffee Shop

Turkish style coffee is one of the oldest and most traditional brewing and drinking methods. Very finely ground coffee is placed in a small pot, brought up to just before boiling and poured directly into the serving cup.

How to Brew Turkish Style Coffee

For a single serving using a food scale:

1. Into your ibrik easure out 10 grams of coffee

2. Add your preferred amount of sugar

3. Add 100 grams of cold or lukewarm water

4. Stir with a spoon just enough to saturate the coffee grounds, about 3-4 rotations

5. Heat the coffee up to just before boiling (if you watch the coffee the foam head will begin to change and “roll over” from the walls of the ibrik.

6. pour directly into your serving cup and enjoy

(for an even better foam head, while the coffee is heating up use a small whisk or wooden skewer to gently whisk the foam making sure not to stir the coffee water mix below)

Turkish Coffee Shop

Classic Turkish Coffee
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Copper Ibrik
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Stainless Steel Ibrik
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Large Egyptian Kanaka
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Small Egyptian Kanakas
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